Sometimes, asking an evaluation between 1 and 5 ... they give us a ... zero. But maybe we deserve it! … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

A businessman came to me one day complaining he is not finding anymore the inner power to take care in a proper way of his clients.

He did this for years ... but could not do it again ... for reasons difficult to be understood.

In fact this was the reason why we met .... just to talk what is really going on with him.

His business was running excellent for years and there was no logical explanation so that he should not care of his clients.

But after telling me the whole story about working with thousands of clients one to one for 20 years ... and meeting lots of strange people ... that generated him so much headache .... he was starting to believe that the definition of a client is kind of a mix of money and problems.

Short story... i should say money that you can get only after dealing with lots of problems.

More money he wanted to get ... more problems he had ... and in the end it all became o choise about how much money


he wanted ... and how many problems he was able to handle.

You see ... in Germany there is a funny saying ... “Business should be extremely easy without clients” ... but even if he knew the meaning of the saying ... he ignored it.

He thought that this business will provide him, in time, so much money that he can retire ... but he never thought that everything will be a very long journey to the Hell.

Yes ... the business became his own Hell and the clients were the devils that were driving him crazy all day long .... by years.

This was ... in fact ... the main reason why he lost the interest in serving all those people ... not understanding that ... in life ... when we don’t feel comfortable in an environment .... we need to ask ourselves what is the problem and fix it ... or just leave.

Needing, but also loving the money ... he was too coward to leave ... and close this company that was providing him such a headache.

Years were passing ... and the frustration was stronger and stronger ... until a guy tells him that if he would be asked to give him a review from 1 to 5 ... he would love to give him a zero.

And it is funny ... cause the guy that told him that was a friend ... and the message was meant to let him meditate ... why he is acting in the way he was acting.

But you see ... many of us ... same as the guy from the story ... act in a similar way.

We just don’t like some of the things from the timeline, but not finding the right courage to change them ... we end up living or believing we live in a hell, even if in the beginning


we thought that this is the path to the an amazing world.

Being so coward ... we always delay the change till tomorrow ... but that tomorrow ... will never come.

And the journey throw Hell continues ... and our faces remains the same as the one of the businessman i told you about ... one ... of an ugly and unhappy human being.


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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