"All she wanted was to see me losing ... my minds" … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

He arrives at the therapist.

Sits down.


And starts to explain ... how she is driving him crazy every day.

... by months.

He even tries to convince the therapist that ... he strongly believes that the only reason why she is in the relationship with him ... is to drive him crazy.

So ... so much ... that he will end up into a mental health hospital.

The therapist ... smiles.

It's actually a theory ... which he never heard about.

And ... he was already 65 years old now ... and worked with thousands of patients over the years.

But Tim .. continues.

Gives him more and more details.

And ... more he is explaining about this relationship with the woman he really loved ... it all became obvious that she had a real addiction of seeing him ... losing their minds.

A ... beautiful woman.


Very ... interesting.



Adored by all the men.

... but a real devil ... with the face of an angel.

And still .... why would she have this weird desire of ... ruining him mentally and emotionally?!

It's all too weird ... to consider that this might be true.


After one hour ... Tim leaves the therapist.

Somehow ... totally convinced ... that even the therapist considered that he lost his minds ... for real.

But ... later on … the therapist .... alone in his office ... is asking himself ... "What if this man was right?!

What if her only purpose was to see this man ... losing his minds.

As a form ... of total domination.

The fact ... that i didn't heard anyone explaining me this before ... doesn't mean ... this can't be a real case scenario.

... a story about domination.

In its absolute form."


Most certainly .... all was an intriguing connection between a man and a woman ... difficult to be clearly understood.

All being ... too emotional.

And ... too much dominance.

But ... this is what is happening into the real life.

We are together.

We enjoy life into the beginning.



Then ... we forget ... what were the reasons which made us decide be together ... into a real relationship.

And ... then ... all continues ... stupidly.





Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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